Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Bob !

Oh, and, I've been catching up today, but......


The joy of my life.

I don't know if it was poor planning, or a GREAT birthday present! Bob ended up having knee surgery today -- a knee scope, his meniscus was torn on each side of the knee. ANYWAY, on his birthday I had to take him in for surgery this morning - that's the bad news.

The good news -- when he made his appointment, Bob agreed to participate in a case study that washes the area during surgery with somewhat of a pain medicine. That's all we know, and didn't know (still don't) if he would receive the medicine or placebo. We are all thinking (including his surgeon) that he got the 'real' thing. Bob has not taken as much of a Tylenol since his surgery this morning!!! He is pain FREE. Amazing! So, Happy Birthday to Bob! He is able to enjoy the day!

Oh, and, if anyone is in need of knee surgery -- call us! Really, this is fantastic!!

He still has to rest and ice - but, he feels kind of 'put out' by this :)

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