Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Happy 90th Birthday to Dad
My Dad turned 90 on July 25th of this year! What an accomplishment! We had a real nice birthday party for him that Cindy put together. It was a great weekend up in Bismarck, ND. Check out the pics in my photo album. Keep in mind, it was record HOT temps up there -- one day it reached 107, and the humidity is usually just as high. I'm saying this, as when you see pictures of myself it looks like I just took a dive into the pool. VERY HOT. Very great weekend. Happy birthday Dad. We all love you, and appreciate all you've done for us.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Years Gone By....

Years gone by is right!!! HA HA HA HA HA -- that's pretty much all I have to say! This is funny, aren't we a cute couple? Well, aren't we? Amazing really, seems like this was taken yesterday. Now I'm really aging myself talking that way. Whatever, I guess I just felt the need to share this with everyone. I'm going to guess it was around 1991.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Yard Work
Last fall we had a landscaper design something for our backyard that would be pretty -- but we also wanted very low maintenance. He put in some of the decorative grasses and flowering bushes around the yard. There is one area right by our deck, and the first thing you see when you look at the yard from inside. It is all different types of flowering plants of some type, and it's fun because something is blooming all the time. Right behind the little pine, you can see the day lillies that are just now in bloom. The daisies are also blooming right now. You can see the tall reedy type plants in the background and those are gladiolas. After that will be the mums - I believe they are last and it's hard to believe that the summer is moving by us so quickly! Anyway, here is a picture of our new plants. They are young, but I think in just a couple of years we are going to have a beautiful blooming back yard!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Bob and his friend Jeff Francis
Last week Friday, Bob and I hit another Rockies game. It was fun -- we have good season ticket seats, but turns out that throughout all of the 4th of July festivities our seats were broken! When we got to the game, our usher had different tickets for us - so we ended up 5 rows back behind home plate. I loved the seats!!! Bob was missing ours - you really do get used to watching the game from your familiar place. Anyway, on the way out there was a cut-out of a bus and the Rockies player's faces were in the windows...... There was an open window for Bob to stick his head through. Here is Bob with pitcher Jeff Francis :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July to America!!!
Everyone, Happy Independence Day!!! It really means a lot right now, with the war in Iraq and everything else that is going on in our great Country right now. I think we are all affected in different ways, but, hopefully we were all able to celebrate this year and enjoy some old traditions and maybe even created some new traditions. Well, as example -- we received a text message today wishing us a Happy Independence Day -- text messaging..... that's something new! It was from cousin Emily -- what a neat surprise :)
I'm always homesick this time of year for all of the 'goings on' in Bismarck -- huh, Cindy! It's just not the same here - still good, but different. Bob and I live in a 'new' town -- we just celebrated 25 years, so they are trying to start traditions and events, but without sounding too critical - it's a slow start! We did have a parade however, and I've included pictures..... I think I counted just 4 floats and NO BANDS! They did have the Highlands Ranch Community Chorus however.... although I think they were lip-singing. I may look them up, and I just might become a member. What the heck! We had 1 set of baton twirlers (remember, no band), and we also had a group of cheer leaders - (no band). It's all right, a new effort for a young town!!
Without further boredom, here are some pictures. Let's see, I had to take a picture of myself because my loving husband isn't into parades like I am, so I was there by myself :) The other pictures are of one of the floats in the parade (local quilting society) and in the other picture, if you look close under the white canopy -- Knights of Columbus!!!!! However, I believe they are from Englewood, we had to borrow. We're still growing!!
Lastly, Bob and I enjoyed a FANTASTIC fireworks show at the Rockies Game last night, and I tried to capture the excitement. AND THE ROCKIES WON!! 11 - 3.
Happy July 4th.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Pictures and Memories

Recently several people for different reasons have asked me to go through some of my pictures for various reasons..... I'm a huge photo person, I love pictures. So, I have a few boxes of pictures in our basement and pulled one out this evening. It wasn't easy - the one box must weigh about 50 lbs. I guess another reason that I love the new digital technology :) Anyway, I ran into this picture of Esther. For those of you that haven't met her, she is Chris's Mom and we lost her just a few years back. For those of us that were fortunate to know her - what a hoot! And, for the Anderson's and Sands - she is the owner of "Esther's Corn" that has become a Thanksgiving favorite for us! So, now we all know Esther.
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