Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've had better days :(

Gosh -- what a day today!

First of all, today is Bob and I's 9th wedding anniversary -- Happy Anniversary Bob, and thanks for hanging with me all of our years together. If you ask me, it's the best years of my life, I hope Bob feels the same! Ummm... I think he's happy, I hope he's happy.

So, the day starts our early, because I had to work at 4:00 AM... not complaining, well, maybe I'm complaining a bit - regardless, that's how the day started. The work was smooth, all without errors and I was done by about 4:50.... Oh, and, I was working from home.

I thought to myself, "Self, since you're up - why don't you do something worth while..... get on the treadmill and shed some of the new holiday pounds"..... So, I did! When I was finished, I felt GREAT! I didn't even realize until I was watching the news that we had some snow on the ground..... Just an inch or so - but it was just 28 degrees outside.... I thought since we put new stuff out at work and with the snow on the ground, I'd get an early start to work and hopefully leave early since it's our anniversary.

IN CASE I HAVEN'T TOLD ANYONE.... I WORK FOR A SWEAT SHOP THESE DAYS!!!!! Working at 4:00 AM doesn't mean anything -- they stil expect a full office day.

ANYWAY! I left work around 7:10 this morning. About 1 1/2 blocks down the road -- for those of you that can visualize where we live.... I simply drove down the road headed to Broadway. Once I got to Broadway, a big truck.... big truck - Landscaping Company truck.... I had just turned North on Broadway and they were headed South on Broadway - they were going waaayy too fast, lost control of their truck and broadsided me. VERY SCARY. VERY.

I'm fine -- I hit my head against the driver side window (hard), I've had a headache all day, I'm sure I'll be achey tomorrow -- but, no one was hurt so that is so good.

So, here is a picture of the sad looking truck. I'm glad it wasn't serious -- fixing a vehicle is nothing, compared to what could have happened.

Earlier, I was feeling that today was a bad day -- but, when you take a look at things: Today is my wedding anniversary, and I'm still perfectly fine to celebrate with Bob and I'm not hurt! So, God Bless :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Mark and Deb hosted yet another fantastic Thanksgiving dinner this year -- THANKS! And, YUM, take a look at the turkey Mark is pulling out of the oven! Bob and I had a great time seeing all of the family that was able to celebrate with the rest of us. Pictures can be found at the link to the right -- marked 2007 - Thanksgiving.

I missed out on shopping the day after (Black Friday), not sure if I missed good deals or saved money! Regardless, I missed out.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy 50th Kristi

Happy Birthday to Kristi !! Kristi celebrated her 50th birthday over the weekend, and I'm glad that Bob and I were invited to share in the fun. Fun it was -- Kristi and Gary recently vacationed in Hawaii, and Kristi still has Mai Tai's in her mind. Good for us girls -- YUM!

Happy 50th Kristi -- and many many more. Click on the photo album link on the right to see all of the party pictures!

Monday, November 19, 2007

WHAT THE????????

It's just one thing after another with our dear neighbors! Here is the story -- they planted 2 apple trees very close together about 8 - 9 years ago. Well, guess what happens when you plant trees -- especially Apple trees? They grow, they produce apples and if you don't pick them -- the whole experience can get a bit messy. I guess this is the year that they realized they may have made a bad decision on planting them together..... so what do you do? Why don't you just cut off ALL OF THE BRANCHES!!! I can't say that I'm that sad, it gives us back a lot of our view. Too funny, huh! The branches that they removed are just lying in their back yard -- Bob and I have bets on what year they will be removed. You've got to love your neighbors :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

First Sign of Thanksgiving

I don't know...... this seems to happen each year. We have a goose -- yep, a goose. At each Holiday, he dresses in the holiday garb and informs Bob and I that he intends to leave. He packs his bag, and merely states that he is going 'South'. As of yet, he always returns to us -- clothes and all. I'll keep everyone informed, but, here he is in his Thanksgiving outfit. If he doesn't return, I hope he has found himself a nice home. He's not any trouble, I don't know why he keeps trying to leave.......

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ooooooohhhhhhh -- Mexico

The Hougen family went to Mexico recently and I was so envious! Any one that has been there just gets a smile on their face when they hear that someone will be vacationing there, and if you're like me -- you wish it were you!! I put in an order: please bring us back some kahlua and a cute little handmade clay ash tray that are around the hotel! Of course, the ash tray must be 'borrowed'. Thanks Hougens :)